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Think like a customer

Think like a customer or lose the sale

John Graham

Salespeople are often told not to fall into the trap of thinking like a customer because they will lose focus on what they want to accomplish: Closing the sale. What if the opposite is true?

Don’t let low hanging fruit hold back your sales

John Graham

For many in sales, the lure of low-hanging fruit is irresistible. The appeal is so addicting, some make it their career to be perennial order takers. It doesn’t need to be this way. This article offers strategies for overcoming the damage that pursuing low hanging fruit can do to a salesperson’s career.

17 ways to get more work done (and be happy doing it)

John Graham

We all face the challenge of doing more in less time in our jobs. John Graham offers tips on how to transition from experience to expertise – from looking backward for answers to looking forward with solutions – to help you accomplish more while maintaining your sanity.