Every agent’s major competition isn’t always another brand, product, service, or even price. Sometimes it’s the producer who knows how to capture someone’s imagination, the agent who can “hook” customers. Here are some tactics to help you win customers.
Success depends on being among the few others count on to get the job done right—and that takes thinking. Here are questions that can serve as a guide to thinking your way to success.
In our latest look at agent indiscretions in the news, we find cases of fraudulent life insurance and Med Supp applications, rebating, identity theft and ... Read more
Hurricane Irma forced organizers to call a last-minute cancellation of NAIFA's annual meeting scheduled for last weekend in Orlando, but the fall conference schedule includes several more major events.
Working with an underwriter that can easily adapt to customer needs and provide access to a strong network of resources can go a long way toward increasing your bottom line.
A critical look at seven sales pitches for which the expiration date has come and gone. It's a good idea for salespeople to make sure their pitches are always fresh, appropriate and effective.
Safeco recently surveyed 600 independent agents around the country to learn how they agents roles and priorities are changing, what they think will be important in the near future and how they are preparing for tomorrow.
There are many ways to help clients feel valued - to demonstrate that we not only appreciate their business but we also care about them and their needs. Here are 20 of them.