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10 motivations that move customers to buy

John Graham

Intent on rattling off features, benefits, facts and figures, salespeople often forget they must understand a customer’s need to buy before the facts will make sense. This article explores 10 motivations that move customers to buy.

Strategic changes for closing more sales

John Graham

New demands and expectations from clients and prospects call for strategic changes to keep up, stay relevant and close more sales. This article offers five needed changes largely on how you present yourself and how you relate to customers.

How to avoid making stupid mistakes

John Graham

Most mistakes are just plain thoughtless and unintentional. But once the genie is out of the bottle, the damage is done. So, what do we do about it? Hope for the best? Ride it out? Or, pretend it wasn’t that important? A better approach is to avoid making stupid (and possibly harmful) mistakes.

5 ways to make 2018 your best year yet

John Graham

Since most New Year’s resolutions tend to have a 48-hour shelf life, many of us don’t even bother with them. “5 Ways to Make 2018 Your Best Yet” takes a different approach to improving performance by focusing on results-changing behaviors.