2025 Silver Script RX Plans

Can't even "sell" Wellcare in MO. They've messed up their ratio thingie for 3 years in a row, so they are grounded for this AEP. Using it to move Wellcare to something else. Maybe GoodRX membership. LOL
or the canadian Rx pharmacy

found a "canadian" pharmacy right in my own state with great customer service and one main employees direct line.

Had another interesting encounter with a referral base doc facility director few months ago who turned me onto another pharmacy specializing in compounded injectables for up to 75% savings

Gotta be creative for sure on the Rx. LOL

Times are changing.
In SC, we have Aetna going from 3 to 1 plan by crosswalk. UHC is going from 3 to 2, losing the Walgreens Rx and BCBS is moving from 3 to 1Rx plans by crosswalk as well. Big changes this year. Anybody know anything about Clear SpringsPDP's yet for 2025? I noticed the Medicare Guide book listed both plans, but said to see company.Are they offered done with PDPs or will they make it back again?
Caveat, not an agent.

Kansas, hardcopy mailed out 2025 Medicare and You.

Under prescription drug plans, under Clear Spring

" At the time of printing, this plan is not allowed to accept new members."

(Look in the very left column under the phone number.)

Must be some kind of sanction going on.
At least in the State of Michigan, I see the SS Choice plan is the only option for 2025.

Will individuals that are currently on the Smart Saver and or the Plus RX plans remain on those
plans for 2025 or is everyone being moved to the Choice plan for 2025.

And from what I had read, it looks like the Choice plan doesn't pay a commission for 2025.

Thank you
Mu ANOC came yesterday-UTAH
My premium went up 500%
The deductible doubled. The copays doubled. No more preferred pharmacies. Mail order is for one month-and same price. No drugs are provided at $0 cost.....