404 Document Not Found


Like My post and enter the DRAWING,,,,
what is it....and how do you fix it in wordpress.....seems I am up to 369 of these so far this month and does not seem like a good thing...hahahahaha......
404 means that the header request was sent, however when apache tried to find the page requested, it did not exist.

To "fix" them you need to find the links in question, and point them someplace else.
404 means that the header request was sent, however when apache tried to find the page requested, it did not exist.

To "fix" them you need to find the links in question, and point them someplace else.

Ksigmtsu do u do web sites???:yes:
You really should create a custom 404 error page in addition to fixing your broken links.

I must admit that I haven't done this for all my sites, but people are going to type in incorrect urls from time and you can't control links on other people's sites.

You can and probably should create a custom 404 error page that has links to the important pages on your site. It should be named 404.shtml and placed in your root directory.

Alternately you can add some code to your .htaccess file and redirect lost souls to your home page.
Is this site helpful or not?

Free .htaccess Redirect Generator

Also found this.

This one is easy. Just go to your.htaccess file (or control panel) and type in the following:

ErrorDocument 404 /404.php

Change the name "404.php" to whatever the name for your custom error page is.

You might be tempted to type in:

ErrorDocument 404 Page Not Found - 404 Error Page *WRONG! Results in 200 OK*

But it won't work. Usually it will result in a 200 OK response. Once again, the path must be relative to root or it won't respond with a 404 error code properly.

301 404 Error Page Redirect for SEO - McAnerin International Inc.
I looked for a url with directions when I posted last night. I couldn't find one.

However, I think this is pretty straightforward. Try this:
  1. Create a regular HTML or xHTML document that says what you want it to say. Basically you want to give your visitors a link back to your home page and other important pages on your site.
  2. Name it "404.shtml"
  3. Place it in your root directory (the directory where your home page is.)
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Pop this code into your 404 page and it will re-direct your 404 page to your home page.
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I don't have enough posts to put the code in
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Here it is


//Simple Redirect for WordPress.
//Christopher Carey
//301 Redirect for Wordpress

header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
header("Location: ".get_bloginfo('url'));


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