Anyone Familiar W/Symmetry Financial Group?

I responded to a Craigslist job posting and was contacted by Lynn Watkins from Symmetry Financial Group. I did a search and found this thread. Does anybody have any updated info on them? If they sued NAA then they must have not liked the way they operated and so I would assume the would not conduct their business the same way.
I responded to a Craigslist job posting and was contacted by Lynn Watkins from Symmetry Financial Group. I did a search and found this thread. Does anybody have any updated info on them? If they sued NAA then they must have not liked the way they operated and so I would assume the would not conduct their business the same way.

Low commish (60% start was what I was told, NAA-esque, no?) - check
(Relatively) Expensive leads (may or may not be exclusive) - check
Mortgage protection angle (a year or so again they hadn't even started other avenues such as FE, not sure about now) - check
Rah-Rahs - check
Push to 'hire' (lol 'agency building') before you even have sold your first policy - check
Throws around remarks like "100k first year" too often - check
Virtually identical the the other IMOs that are NAA spinoffs that focus on "being nothing like NAA" - check

What exactly were you expecting to be updated? What were you offered? What was the point of the suit, and what has become of it?
Not trying to pick a fight with anyone here but looking for information. The Symmetry website has a section about the opportunity and they point out they don't charge for training or training materials, they sell the leads for their cost and do not resell them to 12 other agents. All of this sounds like things that NAA does and pretty sure they don'y claim not to on their website. So my question is would they put this on their website and then not follow through on it? I would sure hope not. I agree about the recruiting and low contract to start and also the 100k plus number being thrown out there but for someone like me without experience sounds like a good place to start to me. I have found very few companies that do not talk about recruiting and promises of 100k salaries.:1confused:
I'm not trying to engage in fighting. If answering your question truthfully and picking a fight are mutually exclusive, you have nothing to worry about.

Let's just say, NAA is a big, well-known, and easy target to claim to distance yourself from (being an NAA-spinoff IMO), but almost all the same practices are in tact. Hell, I'm sure NAA claims they are not like NAA at this point - at least as far as public perception goes.

That being said, if it sounds good, go for it.
Symmetry reminds me of my year selling timeshares. Both have adversarial approaches to sales best expressed by the idea "Every time you talk to a client a sale is made; either you sell them a policy or they sell you they don't need one." Well, not everyone needs a timeshare or Symmetry's insurance policies. A collaborative approach tries to get a win for everyone.
You never will go wrong following your inner voice. I think the purpose of never ending Rah-Rah meetings is to have their corporate voice drown out your inner voice. In timeshares, we started everyday with a Rah-Rah meeting, Symmetry comes close and you are advised to listen to training tapes whenever slightly possible. In both timeshares and Symmetry, I've never seen more expensive suits worn by people with so little formal education.
In one training session, the instructor advised us to appear to be somewhat uneducated about the products in order to avoid answering the client's questions. I found myself thinking "Hmmmm..." a lot during boot camp- which lasted 5 hours without a break. Maybe I need to listen to a training tape again...
The symmetry founders were from NAA.
60% ====RUN
I keep seeing ads on Craigs List for Symmetry Financial Group. According to the ad, the "average Agent will write 6-10 applications per week and the average AP is $500" Six applications at $500 AP equals $3,000 AP per week. Over the course of 50 weeks, that should equate to $150,000 annual AP in personal performance for the Agent. This all sounds great. The only problem is that everytime I respond to an ad and ask to speak with 3-5 "average" Agents who are actually achieving these results, I get all kinds of evasive answers. Inflated income projections are always a red flag, so are evasive answers and no one able to back up the claims. Does anyone have any first hand experience to corroborate the personal (not team) earning potential for this Company?
I responded to an ad on Craigs List for Symmetry. My "Recruiter" has worked one week in the field and is already "building her Team" by recruiting more Agents.


Thank you for the quick response. Any personal experience with Symmetry?