Are there ANY Good Lead Vendors Out There With REAL positive reviews?


New Member
I am new to the financial industry yet J have been thrown so many lead vendors and offers that my head is spinning: Caboom, Lead Latchers, etc. I would like to know if there are any legitimate vendors out there that are really turning the lead business upside down with successes. If there are, please share them here. Thank you for your feedback in advance.
I am new to the financial industry yet J have been thrown so many lead vendors and offers that my head is spinning: Caboom, Lead Latchers, etc. I would like to know if there are any legitimate vendors out there that are really turning the lead business upside down with successes. If there are, please share them here. Thank you for your feedback in advance.

I hear the Glengarry leads are pretty good if you get your hands on a few of them.

I use all 3 pretty consistently. Agent Advantage has the best IUL leads I've used, Caboom and Speakeasy are both great for final expense or mortgage protection.
I would like to know if there are any legitimate vendors out there that are really turning the lead business upside down with successes.
You realize how this industry works right? The better the lead success, the more they up their rate, and the lower the quality becomes. Its a circular death trap.

I have found that all lead vendors are sub par at some point. The best leads are self generated and or referred.