Brag on SpurCity Thread!

It's sounds like you have a plan and aware of the disclosures, and that is 9/10 the battle. Good Luck and enjoy wearing those pajama pants during the weekdays.

No pajama pants here lol still got to get dressed in the morning to get in the right frame of mind since its still a business just like going face to face. Only no cat piss


I did alot of homework before I made my jump since I got the raw end of the stick once and didn't want to make that mistake again I actually looked at fex as a possible imo
Hey 115k is not bad doing it all over the phone, no drive time, no "no-shows". I have all of the carriers you mentioned and would much rather do phone sales, but with FE it seems it would be much more difficult getting banking info, etc from seniors without meeting them in person to gain trust. Do you have a hard close script you follow? Also, what kind of leads do you buy, have you done any live transfers?
I agreed to taking a hit upfront for the time being, due to coming from an imo that took advatage of my contract originally,but was offered contracts at or around those levels. In order to best fit my long term goals I chose to start at a reduced rate with the ever so talked about lead compensation till im up and running and then will be moving to the full contracts.


Since I'm not nearly as talented as gymguy in being able to generate my own leads yet

How many leads per week on average do you use?
No pajama pants here lol still got to get dressed in the morning to get in the right frame of mind since its still a business just like going face to face. Only no cat piss


I did alot of homework before I made my jump since I got the raw end of the stick once and didn't want to make that mistake again I actually looked at fex as a possible imo

The majority of people that I have talked to that are successful working from their home, get up and get dressed the same as if they were calling on customers/prospects face to face.. have known a few that even put on a coat and tie. They say that it puts them a "work" frame of mind and if they don't get dressed, then they don't do nearly as well.
Hey 115k is not bad doing it all over the phone, no drive time, no "no-shows". I have all of the carriers you mentioned and would much rather do phone sales, but with FE it seems it would be much more difficult getting banking info, etc from seniors without meeting them in person to gain trust. Do you have a hard close script you follow? Also, what kind of leads do you buy, have you done any live transfers?

I don't recruit as of yet but feel free to pm me and I'll go into detail with you but I have no secrets I have a script that i use as a guide but ibhave to build rapport just like f2f agents do to get the soc and banking info


That's why I said on average.

I guess I'll ask another way, what was lead cost for the year?

Average I would say I go though 100 avatar leads per week out of which I may make 20 presentations
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Just curious what % of leads even answer the phone in a day?How much do you pay per lead and what's the avg cost per week you spend?Do you call off a Google # or use one of those shadow systems that flashes a local # no matter were you call. I saw were you said you use avatar leads . I've worked 1000's of those and the quality of those leads was very inferior to Dm. Just curious what your 12 month persistency is?
As far as cost goes I don't know my previous imo provided them as live transfers over to me but I know from what i was told the cost was under 10 per lead


I made more off of aged leads then I did the live transfers since the telemarketers they used transfered anything with a pulse over
I don't recruit as of yet but feel free to pm me and I'll go into detail with you but I have no secrets I have a script that i use as a guide but ibhave to build rapport just like f2f agents do to get the sic and banking info


Average I would say I go though 100 avatar leads per week out of which I may make 20 presentations

Well thanks for the rest of the story. Still, even with that $115K on phone sales is excellent. :yes: