Brokers Alliance?


New Member
I know that this site backs brokers alliance but it there anyone that is currently working with them? I am coming from NAA and BA looks crazy good but I want to hear from someone that is actually with them and not a recruiter. Tell me the good things and the bad. At NAA there are alot of bad things so don't hold back! LOL.

At NAA there are alot of bad things so don't hold back! LOL.

let me pour you a NAA 40........

I know that this site backs brokers alliance but it there anyone that is currently working with them? I am coming from NAA and BA looks crazy good but I want to hear from someone that is actually with them and not a recruiter. Tell me the good things and the bad. At NAA there are alot of bad things so don't hold back! LOL.


ALMOST ANYONE is better than NAA. BA is just an IMO. There are MANY IMOs out there. They do have some gimmicks - like their Plan for Life software and the WRL ADvantage term - but if you just want to sell term insurance - you can find better contracts.