Columbian's new no POS application for FE


Super Genius
Just curious if anyone is now using Columbian since they now do not require a pos for all final expense applications. If so how are they? And, most importantly, how often do they request a phone interview after the fact?
Is that because they’re doing an instant decision on the quoting tool or totally did away with the phone interview?
I have sent them a good chunk of biz, they request interviews on about half of the applications sent in. Really!! I know! Which I feel is a complete waste whereas Trans only requests maybe 1 in 10 or more. Makes my decision pretty easy where to go. Stick with Trans, less heartache.
I always prefer having a point of sale decision in the house, whether that be over the phone or with eAPP. I have enough to worry about as it is! Getting that instant decision for me is huge. I know a lot of people do things differently, just my 2 cents though especially for any new agents watching.
Ok so nobody out here uses Columbian? Just trying to figure it if they are a worthwhile replacement for some Transamerica business. But if like Jakel says they require half of the apps submitted to have interviews then it is not a good idea. So please anyone else use COLUMBIAN for the no pos final expense??
Columbian and TransAmerica tend to be a little more even from what I see on the price end and I think TA takes more health wise and definitely payment wise than Columbian. On the flip side I prefer to use Columbian over Trans because of ease in regards to customer service, apps, etc. They have a POS app that lets you know before you go as long as you have all the meds for the client.
If you are experienced and know good business vs. bad business when you are doing the app, I wouldnt lose much sleep over it and a phone interview here or there never killed anybody.
On the business I have submitted they haven't done an interview and I did not use the quoting tool. If you use the quoting tool, it gives you an instant decision so there is not need for interviews on the ones that are approved.. If it requires additional UW, I would go ahead and do the interview while in house.