Digital BGA - experience and telemarketing leads?

I don't think it's for you.

They have guys that write 10k/week on their platform. Others not so much. So like any lead, a lot of whether "the leads are good" falls to the agent.

There are several DBGA agents who run their own websites, optimize their own SEO, and self generate a ton of leads. I would think those people are "tech savvy" and that they choose to align themselves with Digital for more than the leads.

You also seem to think that you can build all of this yourself and that it's super easy. Vanillasoft is going to run you a few hundred a month to customize it the way that Jeff and Nic have developed their CRM. Having a "plug and play" system is very attractive to most highly productive agents.

I'm sure that I could build my own car too if I watched enough youtube tutorials. I'd much rather just buy one from a dealership.

You can just go do it all yourself and buy Facebook leads.

You might be right, but I'll give them a call anyway.

Regarding the leads, yes the agent matters most. From what he said here the telemarketing leads are not really telemarketing leads at all, but people who've been called who first opted-in on a website. That was my main question for this thread.

And yes, any sales CRM is not cheap.
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Need to? Why? To satisfy some guy on a forum who is never going to work for DigitalBGA anyway?

If you're interested in the DigitalBGA opportunity, call them and ask them all your questions and I'm sure they'll answer them.

If not, why are you asking?

You asked a ton of questions and Jeff wrote a long reply. You responded with another ton of questions. I wouldn't blame him for thinking that answering you is not the most productive use of his time, especially given your negative attitude towards his company ("pattern of exaggeration and boasting", "the opportunity is just ok", "He was being glorified and yet really had nothing revolutionary", etc.)

If you were interested in working for DigitalBGA, you'd have picked up the phone instead of writing out a rambling stream-of-consciousness essay with questions intermixed with your own opinions and potshots.

How do you know I'm never going to work with them?

Your opinion is meaningless on the matter, but thanks for posting anyway.
For the record - I'm "gucci" with this pushback. (Did I use it right?)

If anyone else has questions or pushback besides Pass, I'm happy to address them here.

I agree - our website doesn't do a good job of showing what we have. It's been over a year since we updated our site as we've been focused on our internal processes, agent partners and have been growing through word of mouth - so it was on the backburner. This will be updated by late Feb.

Regarding the CRM, I haven't seen a single independent FE telesales agent piece all of this together and if they did, it's costly - both time and money.

You're also focused on the features and not the benefits. For example, the recording of calls can be done in any CRM but the main benefit of doing it as a group allows us to get special telesales contracts that other groups don't have access to. There's unseen benefits you're not recognizing by having a cohesive system.

Is this the process:

Step 1 - Senior opts-in to web form through different traffic sources (FB, SEO, PPC, etc.)
Step 2 - Outbound call made to gauge interest.
Step 3 - Then lead posted into CRM for agent follow up on.

Did I get that right?


$800 seems high. How is it so high? Any extra steps taken to filter for a more "affluent" (albeit still low-income) base of prospects?

Our scripting and sales training.

Too many agents sell on price. For example, a common rate presentation for FE telesales is presenting 3 rates and having the prospect pick - that's selling on price. The core concept we train on in onboarding is 'Big Check vs Little Check'. We focus on the death benefit throughout the script, never the price and we increase average premiums/agent profitability significantly by doing so.

My only issue is that they have nothing new (if you're tech savvy already), they're just combining everything into their platform.

Nothing new. Ok. Show me another independent final expense telesales IMO that:

1. Can customize their software to the recommendations of all their agents and actually does it.
2. Can optimize their marketing based on sales data (not cost per lead, but cost per sale).
3. Can take live transfers and inbound TV calls where the information pops up in the CRM automatically without using 3rd party software.
4. Generates their own opt-in data to be called on to be 100% TCPA compliant. Everyone else relies on 3rd parties.
5. Has prepared for Shaken/Stirs or even heard of it. (Will make automated telemarketing a lot harder this year)
6. Gives away their technology for free. No seat fees or onboarding charges. No non-competes with an open release policy.
7. Provides daily telesales training and accountability to improve your profitability every single day.

And wait till you see what's coming out in the next 4 months that will really separate us from the pack. Including being able to see all your future commission deposits and trails in real-time inside the CRM - updated in real time with your lapsed cases and downline commissions - again..all free.

Since this thread is about our telemarketed callbacks, I'll leave you with this. Our #1 agent last week did $21k issued on our Telemarketed Callbacks.