final expense question


100+ Post Club
I have a 75 male client
Heart attack. 13yrs ago- on generic maintenance meds
Went on kidney dialysis about 7 yrs ago
Is there a carrier that will take him as std issue so he can have immediate coverage?

Thank you
I have a 75 male client
Heart attack. 13yrs ago- on generic maintenance meds
Went on kidney dialysis about 7 yrs ago
Is there a carrier that will take him as std issue so he can have immediate coverage?

Thank you

In order to help you will have to know what his current state of kidney issues if any are? When was the last use of dialysis?
What are the maintenance meds he takes for his heart condition?
This is easy stuff to figure out if you give us the proper information but it really is what your up line is getting paid the big bucks to help you with.
Thanks for the comments.
I know I always have GI available
Clint is currently and will be dialysis til he dies.
I thought maybe there is a company available in Florida that will give him
first day coverage.
Hello agents
I want to know what income bracket is best to do Direct Mailing campaign in New York City.
is it 10-15K
or 20k-30K

Only mailing Direct Pros need to reply please.
AIG here I come!

Not one person on dialysis whom
I have put with AIG has outlived the two wait. I still write GI but I send the dialysis folks to MOO. Just had another one pass on September 9th.

Death claims rattle me more than I'd have thought.