Hashtag Obamacaresucks

More Millennials supported Obummer than voted for McCain or Romney.

Obummer could not have been elected on the black vote alone.

2012 election 60% of 18 - 29 voted for O as did 52% of the 30 - 44 group. People age 45 and older didn't fall for O's BS and the majority voted for Romney.

55% of women went for O.

Same election, 60% with incomes below $50k voted for O.

58% of union households voted for O.

64% with some HS education went for O and 51% of HS grads voted O.

93% of blacks, 71% of Hispanics and 73% of Asians voted O.

12% of the population is black, 16% Hispanic, less than 5% Asian.

O got 51% of the popular vote vs 49% for Romney.

And on issues, 75% of votes were cast for this piece of crap Obamacare. I suspect a large percentage now have buyers remorse.

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