Health Sherpa Question ?


I have problem with Health Sherpa enrollment.

When I am enrolling Couple or Full Family and one

of the spouse have coverage over their Employer

how you exclude that spouse in Health Sherpa enrollment application ?
If they have access to group coverage, they are not eligible for a subsidy.
So, don't include that spouse, don't put in ANY income, apply only for those members that need coverage.

Another scenario for you, if husband / wife situation, and one is on medicare, but you need the household income, include both on App, but answer questions:
"Yes" - applying for coverage on under 65 spouse.
"No" - applying for coverage on above 65 spouse (but put on app to include household income)
Did you get certified? This is one of the most basic parts of the law. You need to send that client to a agent that knows what they are doing because you don't! Just being honest.

Health Sherpa does tend to over simplify the process. Having a good understanding of the ACA is important.

Also keep in mind that although someone is offered a plan at work, there are instances where they can opt out...9.56% income rule, minimum plan standards rules, etc. These can also get a bit tricky to understand.
If they have access to group coverage, they are not eligible for a subsidy.
So, don't include that spouse, don't put in ANY income, apply only for those members that need coverage.

Another scenario for you, if husband / wife situation, and one is on medicare, but you need the household income, include both on App, but answer questions:
"Yes" - applying for coverage on under 65 spouse.
"No" - applying for coverage on above 65 spouse (but put on app to include household income)

Thank you very much Sir you are a Gentleman.