Help !! 86 year old male with alzheimer's :)

I'd Ask when the birthday is, If it was within last 6 months you could backdate to 85 and look at a few options. The client would have to pay the backdated premiums at the age of 85 fyi not cheap but if they want coverage bad enough might be willing, worth a shot to mention it.

Good luck finding a company that will let you back date age to qualify for the plan.

And if you find one it won't be a GI company.
I think you could offer a MIB plan from SNL. With that plan the client is basically self-insuring, just paying into a fund for his final expenses. A family member can apply for it without the insured's signature. There are a couple of knockout questions. For example if he's in a nursing home, he won't qualify. At that age, though, commission is only 1-2%.
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