Hepatitis C


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Looking for a carrier (individual plan) in TX that will work w/someone that has Hep C. I know it is a long shot, but thought I would try.

If not...I reckon the risk pool is his only solution.
Is there anything available in Virginia for Hep C clients? She's not showing any symptoms or on meds and wants life insurance too.

If it's longer than 2 years Assurant might accept her, otherwise she can go to Anthem's GI plan that will be priced accordingly. I'm not sure about the life insurance.
Thanks, I'll look at Assurant for the health. I use BSI for life insurance. They said depending on the Hepatitis questionnaire, its a table 4-6 rating or a decline. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
USFL has accepted my Hep C clients at preferred rates in the past. You have until 7/20/07 to get an application in before they close their doors.