There is no first day coverage for HIV.

That's what I thought, but when you named GW and Kemper but not AIG and Gerber I thought there was the possibility I had missed out on a great niche opportunity. You would be amazed at how many folks with "benign HIV" send in DM's in my city.
That's what I thought, but when you named GW and Kemper but not AIG and Gerber I thought there was the possibility I had missed out on a great niche opportunity. You would be amazed at how many folks with "benign HIV" send in DM's in my city.

Both Gerber and AIG start at age 50, so they won't work.
While Columbian could never deny a claim on their GI plan because they do not ask the client any health questions. However, the agent has to affirm that he has no knowledge of certain conditions when taking the app.. A false answer could result in termination for cause.. I would have sworn that HIV was one of those conditions but it isn't. The statement is 1)no confinement 2) no terminal illness 3) no IV drug use... Other than those three things, you can write it.. Goes down to age 25.