How do you become a Lead Vendor.


Anybody know the process of becoming a lead vendor. Is it as simple as just setting up a phone room, or creating a landing page. Then just selling the leads to an IMO?

I know every line of insurance has different contract level names. My experience is Life so I am just familiar with the term IMO.
Lol, so what your telling me is I am better off trying to sell protein powder on eBay then become a lead vendor.


If I were you - I would look at it from the perspective of what will net you the highest ROI, can scale easily, be automated and outsourced.

If you follow those thoughts, maybe protein powder is a better option? I have no idea.

I am curious now though - whats your margin like? :D

If I were you - I would look at it from the perspective of what will net you the highest ROI, can scale easily, be automated and outsourced.

If you follow those thoughts, maybe protein powder is a better option? I have no idea.

I am curious now though - whats your margin like? :D

I don't actually do it but have considered doing, Profits are like anything else you flip, buy low sell high, and see how much people will pay for them.
I love this post. Hire some kids that speak good enough English to read a script, pay them minimum wage and then take those leads (I mean there are so many definitions of what a lead really is :err:) and slap the term PLATINUM on them unless there is a more precious metal out there and sell them for as much as possible and then buy a bag of rubber bands for the stacks you'll be bringing in- unless I'm missing something this is all there is to it.

Anybody know the process of becoming a lead vendor. Is it as simple as just setting up a phone room, or creating a landing page. Then just selling the leads to an IMO?

I know every line of insurance has different contract level names. My experience is Life so I am just familiar with the term IMO.
It helps if you fail as an insurance agent. Then you can sell cold leads.

I love this post. Hire some kids that speak good enough English to read a script, pay them minimum wage and then take those leads (I mean there are so many definitions of what a lead really is :err:) and slap the term PLATINUM on them unless there is a more precious metal out there and sell them for as much as possible and then buy a bag of rubber bands for the stacks you'll be bringing in- unless I'm missing something this is all there is to it.

That response just made my night. And I think the only thing more precious then metal is bitcoin. Right now. I am just picturing a kid right now in a basement with a phone book from 1970, and some guy standing over him with a cigar in his mouth. It’s funny how people make fun of the thing that makes them money.