How would you use this article??


If at all.

I am a very green, green pea. Don't even have my license yet. But my past experience suggests that there is a way to use this article.

I'm thinking to include a link in a newsletter. Perhaps sending it to my list (when I have one) of prospective leads. Certainly sending it to clients who have HSA's. Maybe even sending to all my health clients.

What do you think?

(Hope this link comes out as planed)

<a href="">CVS/Pharmacy Can Track HSA/FSA Expenses</a>
If it hasn't changed, over 60% never fund the account so this would be a good thing to urge them along. Also it's nice and concise, would work well.

Are you using constant contact for the newsletter?
I don't have anyone to send a newsletter to.....yet. I have looked at their site and will consider them when the time comes.

I suspect that many prospective clients don't know about HSA's. Or at least don't know the pro's or con's.

I was thinking about a slant/angle such as....."Oh, you think HSA's are a new thing? Well they may be new but that segment of the business has grown so fast that CVS has gone to the expense of changing the POS (point of sale) registers at all of their locations. Just to accommodate HSA's and HRA's. Impressive, don't you think?"

Or something like that....don't have enough knowledge about what I will run into to know exactly how I can use it.

I don't think this article in itself is a very strong sales tool for HSA's. It would be more of a sales tool for CVS or an information article for those who already have HSA's.