I am a licensed P/C Agent looking to start my own agency

Just curious, how does anyone hold down a license in 48 states?

I'm only in 6 states and have found that it is about all I can handle. There's too big of a learning curve to have 48 states. I couldn't imagine having even half of that, or a quarter of that!
Just curious, how does anyone hold down a license in 48 states?

I'm only in 6 states and have found that it is about all I can handle. There's too big of a learning curve to have 48 states. I couldn't imagine having even half of that, or a quarter of that!

I'm sure he's a call center agent.
I'd bet he's out of the business. This post was from 6 years ago and I would bet anything he hasn't renewed any of those licenses except maybe his home state.