I need Term-Life Insurance policy help please.

Why do you guys keep dragging this along lol, for starters she's taking medical marijuana hopefully legally and the only carrier that would give her Non-smoker rates is Prudential which requires a med exam. This is why i told you to call me this could have all been taken care of 3 days ago.
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Why do you guys keep dragging this along lol, for starters she's taking medical marijuana hopefully legally and the only carrier that wouldn't give her Non-smoker rates is Prudential which requires a med exam. This is why i told you to call me this could have all been taken care of 3 days ago.

It's legally. I've been dragging my feet because I was stressed and feeling exhausted, but I'll look into contacting you between tomorrow and next week.
Ok we got some cart before the horse stuff happening here.

How old?
Why is she disabled?
Meds? Opiates in the past or current?
Is disability permanent?
Other meds?

This is just the tip of the iceberg. YOU NEED TO SPEAK TOA LOCAL AGENT.

She may very well, and likely is uninsurable.
Ok we got some cart before the horse stuff happening here.

How old?
Why is she disabled?
Meds? Opiates in the past or current?
Is disability permanent?
Other meds?

This is just the tip of the iceberg. YOU NEED TO SPEAK TOA LOCAL AGENT.

She may very well, and likely is uninsurable.

Aged 30-55. Disabled due to nerve and body pain condition. Absolutely no opiates. Disability is permanent and seemed to progressed over time. I do not know all of her meds. Only she and her doctors would know.