I want to become an Independent Agent


New Member
hi guys,

I live in oregon and currently hold a p & c Life and Health license. I have been selling insurance with State Farm recently but do have experince with farmers and american family. I have been licensed for eight years. I would like to know if i want to go independant how can i find the companies so that i can write insurance if i new in business. I will be getting my e&o coverage soon. As i know this is one thing i need. BUt how can i get appointed so that i can produce for different insurance companies?? What are the requirements. I have read that you need to have a established book of business before most companies will allow you to write for their companies. I tried Smart Choice but they are not available in the state of Oregon. Any sugesstions?
Re: i want to become independant agent

I was hoping you might want to be an independEnt agent.

Can't imagine how hard it would be to go independent for P&C. You need volume to get an appointment, and you need an appointment to get volume.

Ever consider life and health?

Re: i want to become independant agent

i was hoping to do all, include life and health too. But since i am bilingual and already have my foot in the door with the hispanic market here i have a head start i think in the auto insurance portion. I love selling life insurance but i couldnt expect to make a living just selling just one product.
But you can make a much better living on the Life and Health side. P&C most often requires an office space and all the associated expenses.

Look into Final Expense, Medicare, Life, and Individual Health.
Some very good companies to get started with are: Assurant, Aetna, Golden Rule, GTL. The more you dig around on this site the more good companies you will come across. As for the ones I just mentioned, you can contact them directly and get a street level contract which is the best way to go. Most of these other agencies or brokers that want you to join there group to sell mulitple carriers usually take a big cut out of your commision. You can make a ton more with a street level contract. For example I was considering joingin up with AHCP (Americas Health Care Plan). When they sent me the commision schedule I didnt know what to think about it. But I did some calling and on average I was getting 10% less commision than I could get with a street level contract with all of the companies. So great Idea to get your own e&o and go street level.