If Doctors Bolt Then Is Med Supp Better

AARP has enough influence on our senate / congress that what they say is going to usually fly.

This is true but the problem is that there are two AARP's these days. One side of the shop is for-profit and hawking MAPD's. The other side is advocacy oriented and arguing that we need to cut reimbursements to MA's in order to fund physician reimbursements to preserve patient choice. Which one will get their way? Without doubt the advocacy side if the dems are elected.

The Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) conducted a survey of over 1,100 medical groups nationwide (almost 30,000 physicians).
  • Nearly 24 percent of respondents indicated they had either begun limiting or not accepting new patients.
  • With the anticipated 10.6% scheduled cut to go into effect July 2008, nearly half (46%) of the respondents said that failure to halt cuts would lead them to stop accepting and or limiting the number of Medicare patients their practice treats.
On April 25th a client of mine received a letter from her clinic. In it it warns: "We want to stay open to all of our patients, but if Medicare will not pay enough to cover office expenses it will be harder and harder for this practice to provide care to Medicare patients."
