Indexed Universal Life Insurance Income Comparison

Has anyone done a true comparison of the North American and Midland IUL products? I ask because they are the same company, in fact in the same building and from what I was told when I was at their office in Sioux Falls, the products are basically all the same. The only real differences are the minimums.
Has anyone done a true comparison of the North American and Midland IUL products? I ask because they are the same company, in fact in the same building and from what I was told when I was at their office in Sioux Falls, the products are basically all the same. The only real differences are the minimums.

They are basically the same but there are some slight differences.

The expense schedules are slightly different.

The PDB Rider (Protected Death Benefit) is more comprehensive with Midland.

The comp is also different. Midland offers asset based trails, but a lower first year %.