Insurance Agent Designations

I asked that question of Rick on another thread and he never answered. I think you are right----he is looking them up to find out what they mean. BTW, I like that MSAA, too.:arghh:
I asked that question of Rick on another thread and he never answered. I think you are right----he is looking them up to find out what they mean. BTW, I like that MSAA, too.:arghh:
I did answer the question on the other thread. But for those of you who have problems with the forum:

CSA - Certified Senior Advisor
much more than insurance but covers many topics
CBC - Chartered Benefit Consultant
essentially a course in Consumer Directed Health Plans like HRA, HSA, FSA, etc.
MSAA - Medicare Supplement Accredited Advisior
to keep up with Frank. (For someone who wants to sell supplements and doesn't have a terrific understanding, a GREAT course.

By the way, I'm redesigning business cards and stationery. I won't use the designations because they only impress me, and even then, not too much.

I also graduated UCLA with a science major - BA in Political Science.

Did you go to school with Bill Cosby?

You are obviously VERY easily impressed.


No, Rick. I went to the same college as Cosby, but at a different time. BTW, I used to put B.S. after my name on my business card; however, I found that it was often misconstrued to mean "bulls**t." Also, I guess I am impressionable.:cool:
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