Don't mind Jack... For some odd reason he believes he knows what is best for everybody regardless of what the facts are.

I know, it's weird.
The state is Florida. I don't know how much insurance would be best. Are income taxes paid on insurance benefits?
The bits of information is going to take way too long.

So, her half of the mortgage is $750,000.00 and she still has 29 years left. Perfect ht and wt. Has never been on any perscribed meds. Family history is clean of any heart or cancer history.

This is my smartalec way of saying yyo need to speak to a Life Insurance agent. Way to many variables.
OK, $100,000 for a 78 year old in "perfect" health range from about $88. To $330. depending.

There are several Life Insurance agents here that can help you. Just be as forthcoming as you can be so they can get an accurate quote. There are a lot of online quoters but they are not going to ask the questions a knowledgeable agent will.