Insurance Supermarket


New Member
Does anybody out there work for them? I've been an independent agent for years but decided to take on a job with them, starting in 2 weeks. They provide incoming leads all day plus a base salary, which sounds too good to be true .Any comments would be greatly appreciated!
One bit of advice. Thoroughly and carefully read and understand the contract. Sometimes these deals reduce the salary each month by the amount of commissions you are expected to earn. If you aren't making your quota you may find your income dwindling alarmingly.
I know if I were providing leads and a salary a producer would have to net me multiples of that amount. Also cancel all outside contact. And I would own the business.

Are you going to be a employee? Benefits?
I worked there. Hated it. Most, if not all, of the inbound transfers were promised free phones, rent assistance, etc. I'm not going to go into details but in my humble opinion it was by far the worst company I have ever worked for in any industry.

If you are looking for a base with free incoming leads, I'd recommend AccuQuote. I worked there for a while before deciding to go independent and it wasn't bad. Anyplace with a salary and "free" leads is going to micromanage you to some extent. AccuQuote was no different, but the commission structure was much more aggressive than Insurance Supermarket and it was a pretty easy schedule.
I worked there. Hated it. Most, if not all, of the inbound transfers were promised free phones, rent assistance, etc. I'm not going to go into details but in my humble opinion it was by far the worst company I have ever worked for in any industry.

If you are looking for a base with free incoming leads, I'd recommend AccuQuote. I worked there for a while before deciding to go independent and it wasn't bad. Anyplace with a salary and "free" leads is going to micromanage you to some extent. AccuQuote was no different, but the commission structure was much more aggressive than Insurance Supermarket and it was a pretty easy schedule.
An old colleague of mine said pretty much the same thing. A lot of 'bait and switch' style leads with unrealistic targets to hit. While free leads and a salary are always nice and comfortable, it usually comes with a hefty cost.
There were so many problems that appeared after training. I looked up their home office address in Miami and found that it was just a WeWork style mail drop set-up. The parent company is based in Canada. That doesn't mean much on its own, but when combined with the plethora of other red flags, I decided it wasn't a place I wanted to be associated with.

The guy who led the training at the time was as solid as they come, but he left shortly after I did with similar concerns.