Is 'Cover Florida' Considered Creditable Coverage?


New Member
I'm looking into the Florida risk pool called 'Cover Florida'. Does anyone know if these are considered creditable coverage towards a future group plans pre-existing exclusionary period? (And if so, are they in every state?)

The state of FL insurance regulatory dept says they do in Florida. Yet the insurance companies are telling me they 'can' accept it as creditable coverage, but they don't have to. So I'm getting lots of conflicting information.

Anyone here in the know? If so, can you link any written guidelines?
If you need a Florida plans I may be able to point you in the right direction. I live in south Florida, can give you some pointers. Jeff
I think its a tough one, there are so many different underwriting systems out there interconnected with the MIB, like PCN who is interconnected to labcorp, with equifax...the list goes on and many times have we stuck to underwriting standards.../..added rate ups and surcharges and the client still gets denied....have you guys seen the plan blue in florida???