Is it illegal for licensed insurance agents to process cancer screening test?

I just had dinner with one of my FMO sales managers who is in town for meetings this week. He's well aware of this "scam," and said any agents getting paid are because of the MLM costs to join. Not from CMS, the labs, etc.

He also was recently on a conference call regarding this and pretty soon a lot of people are going to be in BIG TROUBLE, is what the man told me!

Actually - peeps are getting paid from the Labs via CMS. Real big in some cases. But - won't last. The kickback laws is what will do it in . . .
Not really a scam. Just too shady for me and I think it crashes this year.

It's crashing right NOW. This morning I woke up to find email from a company whose webinar I had attended. This one wasn't MLM; agents only had to buy DNA kits for $10 each.

It stated that their legal and compliance teams are reviewing the agent opportunity, and they are screening technicalities into the screening process. Everything is on hold until further notice, they understand agents will be bitterly angry, disappointed, etc.

The above is an upline I have two contracts through. I'm about ready to dump them after this crap. They do a lot of business with UHC and I bet their last email scared the *hit out of them.

So, some agents on here will be eating crow. How does crow taste, MrMedicare101, AmberBurd, Carlos Bastardo, etc? Maybe "ask a doctor?"
Not really a scam. Just too shady for me and I think it crashes this year.

It's crashing right NOW. This morning I woke up to find email from a company whose webinar I had attended. This one wasn't MLM; agents only had to buy DNA kits for $10 each.

It stated that their legal and compliance teams are reviewing the agent opportunity, and they are screening technicalities into the screening process. Everything is on hold until further notice, they understand agents will be bitterly angry, disappointed, etc.

The above is an upline I have two contracts through. I'm about ready to dump them after this crap. They do a lot of business with UHC and I bet their last email scared the *hit out of them.

So, some agents on here will be eating crow. How does crow taste, MrMedicare101, AmberBurd, Carlos Bastardo, etc? Maybe "ask a doctor?"

All I know is it does not look like it does much to bring in new buis if done properly. Unless you get paid for the test but then you have anti-kickback laws and the risk is high, Not sure how doing something like this makes sense for the agent.
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