LEP Drug Cov credible cov?

If he is currently on another PDP plan which he could tolerate for another year, he could remove himself from the Aetna customer service nightmare by cancelling the enrollment in the new Aetna plan before 12/31, as discussed in another recent thread. As I understand the discussion in the other thread, that would then return him to his enrollment in his current PDP for another year.

Stop providing errant advice until you are licensed. Then, think twice before posting

One does not have to be a licensed insurance agent to recognize that is a VERY stupid post. :D:D:D

Elaborate. What does your advice have to do with lep penalty??

Funny, he didn't answer my inquiry?

Hunting for something and I see your posts.

Almost two years later, I am still of the opinion that your post was a stupid post because it confers extraordinary "knowledge powers" on an insurance license which don't exist.

Nor was my advice errant-in the sense that it was an incorrect statement.

However, coming back to this thread two years later and reading the whole thing through, I do see that it was not relevant to the question asked.

@vic120 , my apologies.