Looking for 220 Agent in Broward Co, FL

Free commercial leads and a good split of FYC and Renewals.

I'm here in Broward and I speak with local agent's regularly. In all honesty, I have no interest in the offer but have no problem with passing on good information.

1. What kind of leads are you speaking of?
2. Exactly what is a "good" split?
3. Who is your target market?
We produce in-house commercial telemarketed leads. Salons, Plumbers, Auto Repair, Pizzerias, etc.

The offer depends if the agent buys leads ($5 each) or we give free leads and who does quotes, etc. The range would be 40%/40% to 55%/55%. Payment for Leads can come out of commission if they want to buy them.

No specific target market.