MA dual eligibility - being pitched

Crabcake Johnny

5000 Post Club
Another "sounds too good to be true" pitch so I'd appreciate anyone with the scoop.

Got contacted by Page 1 to pitch MA plans by Bravo by Elder Health - Elder Health is a very well known company in Baltimore and ACI is also due to pick up an Aetna contract.

Here's the scoop:

*$25 for each appointment
*$300 per enrollment plus bonus program (which they'll tell me about at the meeting on Tuesday)
*$100 renewals
*$240 of the $300 advanced weekly direct deposit the week following the application. The other $60 paid after 45 days. Was also told that within 3 months the commissions will be paid directly by Elder Health.

Selling now to people who are "dual eligible" which means they have Medicaid. Obviously I know what areas of Baltimore I'd be in and this was discussed as a prime reason they're having trouble recruiting agents until open enrollment.

The selling features are more "freebies" then they currently have including free glasses, free cab transportation for medical treatment, etc...This is also apparently at no cost to the seniors who qualify.

So what am I missing.
The "catch" is that you take someone now on a fee-for-service plan and put them into managed care.

However, personally I have no issue with the concept especially if it saves us money (doubtful). If someone is on welfare, then "beggars can't be choosers". If managed care does indeed save the public funds, then it should be utilized.

I'm meeting with a doctor in 2 weeks to pitch him on a similar concept with his dual eligibles. Let me move the ones he sees infrequently into a plan like Bravo. The doctor will make more money on the capitation than the occasional office visit billing.

And yes, this does make me a whore.

I'm being told the closing percentage is over 80% since it's not only free for eligible people but also expands what they current have. These are Medicaid people so they can't get a supp.

These are the catches I see:

1) Anytime you're dealing with pre-set appointments you have the BS factor; people who are not eligible, no shows, etc...

2) You're not in the best areas of town. For me this is a non-issue. I ran a residential door to door company for the gas/electric deregulation that paid per sign-up regardless of the area. Take a guess at what kind of neighborhoods we targeted. I spent 8 hours a day in places most people wouldn't pull over the change a tire.

3) Agents don't understand the concept of investment and return. They either won't pay $25 per appointment and try to set their own (which never happens) of they run 5 appointments a week instead of 3 a day and say "This sucks."

4) Even though it's free you still must gain your client's trust.
Interesting concept... Anyone know if there are any companies doing this in Michigan?? I'd like to look into it more as well.
I have been contiplating doing the Dual Eligibles. Is it worth the time? The only thing I do not like is going on an appointment knowing I am not gonna be able to cross sell. But it does seem like easy money. IF being a whore works then I want to join the club.
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The sale is easy, but the servicing is a pain in the butt!

That was posted here about 2 mos ago.

Medicaid people will call you all the time, including their relatives, looking for more freebies and endless questions.

Should you try it? you learn what not to do in the future.

BTW.....don't leave your personal phone #......

How did that old adage go? The sweetness of price is long forgotten but the bitterness of decit lasts forever. To'll love the quick Ka-Ching sound, then 2-3 months later when the phone jingles.....oh oho and the chargebacks.....ask about the chargebacks.
Well it's nothing I don't currently deal with and it's not instead of what I do but a supplement. The Reader's Digest version is I work about 3 hours a day. For some time I have thought of adding a line and the senior market interests me the most. I'll be getting into supps and MA. I already deal with some chargebacks and customer service problems. It's arguably harder to deal with a pissed customer who's paying valuable money then someone who's getting a free plan. I'm also sure everyone's not overjoyed with the way Medicaid is working either.

I will have to look into the chargebacks. This is a free plan and I'll have find out whether or not they can just blow right back onto Medicaid at will. Anyone?
The chargebacks originate because Medicaid is a monthly deal. There is no lock-in. So when you change them, they can keep it for 1-2 months, whatever, then drop this plan.

Medicaid is also a monthly qualifier. They have different levels of coverage based on peoples assets/resources. Here in Ga I've been told there are 4 levels. Hopefully in a good training class they will exzplain this in detail....but i find they zip thru the course material real quick.

So the MA-dual plan can be dropped anytime, and Medicaid can be dropped or changed by the state gov't anytime too. These things run on a 30-day course.
Anybody else want to add to this, clarify, or educate us, please jump right in.
That is why I've been leery of getting involved in this.....