Magnetic Business Cards for Seniors


My GMA sent out an email about a company that sells magnetic bus cards. Of course, they are more expensive than paper cards. Does anyone use them for seniors ? are they worth the price?
We send out those small calenders that have your business card over the calender pages. We just got a box of them in. The company lets you design or upload your business card they attach it to the calenders and stuff the envelope. All we have to do is apply address labels and postage and we're done for the year. They will do the whole deal for your, but it cost more than we thought it to be worth. Keeps us handy for phone numbers/referrals all year long.
It's nice making a service call to one of your clients several years later and seeing that they still have your magnetic business card on their fridge.

Look at it this way--if you get just one referral out of it, they more than pay for themselves.
I like Vista Print, also. I just buy the business card magnets at wal-mart and if my customer wants one for their fridge, i just whip it out and stick it on. It's nice to be getting calls from customers or prospects i saw 3 or 4 years ago because my card was on their fridge!
They will stay on the fridge if you give them one. I had been in numerous houses where they had a card from an agent they talked to several years ago.

Well worth it!