Main Street Office?


Long time post stalker/First time poster. What is everyone's thoughts on a main street office location vs having one that off the main road? I've always had office space that in an office building or off the main road. I have a small independent agency after being captive by a commercial insurance company. We are just a few years in as a scratch agency. We are currently around 70/30 commercial to personal. I can count on one hand the walk-ins that I've had since starting, but to some extent, that was by design since I spend a good amount of time out of the office cold calling businesses. I've also always had the mindset that 1) it is rare that people actually go looking for insurance and 2) those who do typically have issues. Pros? Cons? Am I setting myself up for issues since I will still be out of the office a good amount, and I have only one other producer that doesn't come in often either (no CSR)? Is there a good amount of business generated by a storefront that offsets that additional overhead of inflated rent? Thanks in advance for any input!
I have had few offices thru the years. Three of them with neon signage. Walk in business will not offset the additional expense of a high viability office location. In my experience, the majority of the walk in business was crap. Much prefer a professional office complex.

Welcome to the forum!

Thanks, Dave! I thought the same but never really had anything to base on. I really liked the location of one that I recently looked at, but all I could think in my head was "now we have to generate x amount in revenue to cover the additional expense ." That x number wouldn't be that big to most agencies, but it big for our small scratch.
Agree with others, had storefront on busy street many years. The Walk ins we not enough to pay for the storefront extra cost and 95% were crap business and time suckers.

Spend your money on good systems and has since you do outside marketing and make sure everything you do can be mobile in my opinion.

I have had medical issues last few years and mainly run my Indy operation from home with one producer / office manager in the office.
I moved to Main St 2 years ago, my husband owns the building and I share it with him, I only pay the utilities. The thing we got out of it was brand recognition. I can hand someone my card and say I am next to the furniture store and they usually say they have seen my signage out front or know who we are from driving by. In the office plaza no one knew who I was or where I was. I describe it as advertising you do to "just get your name out there" not really expecting people to walk in or the phone to be ringing from it.
Name rec was the main reason I was considering this particular location. It is still a Main Street but more auto repair, contractors, and other types of business I call on. I think there is value to that but I definitely get concerned with time suckers.