Make Enrollment Followup a Procedure


1000 Post Club
As a newly minted group agent I am looking to give employees information about what to expect immediately after enrollment, as some don't enroll well before their eligibility date. I have come on as AOR, and the learning curve is OK, but quick.

My first enrollee emailed me today, about a week after enrollment went in, what about RX/etc, where is card. This one, like some will be, waited until after 8/1 eligibility date to enroll, and then is anxious for the card.

I wrote back all the info EE would need, their ID#, phone #'s for RX & service, how to look up network providers, suggest setting up their own log in to insurer's website for help. It occurs to me that if I made a handout for the employer to give to them, outlining what to do until their card arrives, and also follow up to get their card #, I can get ahead of the situation as much as possible. I think that most of the info. in that email would make a good handout.

Anyone have a procedure to suggest for this info, and checking to be sure their enrollment is in the system? This is a small group, so this won't happen that much, but my selling point is, of course, service.

One more, any suggestions for encrypted (for HIPAA) email service that a solo practitioner can afford?
