Marketplace takes away rebate

No. There's only KP and Ambetter. I think KP will pay a referral fee if I send an app but that may just be on MAPDs.

I guess I just want service my clients so they don't go anywhere else and I know some of the people coming my way are going to be aging in to Medicare in a couple of years so why not help them now.
(edited for grammar)


I've got a ton of couples that are half and half. U65 and O65. You certainly don't want them talking to another agent.
No, I don't.

No more excuses. I'm going to get started on it. I'm hoping it's not as time consuming as the AHIP and carrier certs were the first go round.
Thanks for the replies. I spoke with her earlier today and made a 3-way call to the marketplace. Had to speak with a supervisor to get the details.

It had nothing to do with data-matching or
tax return. Verification of income was never received. In January they sent a 90 day notice to the agent but heard nothing back so....

She was set up to receive electronic messages but nothing was in her email or inbox. No excuses though. kgmom, she definitely needs to set up paper mail delivery instead of electronic. yankee466, they did explain the appeal process and she is going to do that.
Go in an do an income change, it will reset the 90 day window, right now it does not seem that any documents are verifying any request, was told by the marketplace to do the income change and keep uploading, and by the way never mail anything always up load to their file with the marketplace