Med Sups by phone FMO/Contracting Partner advice


New Member
I recently became licensed to sell health in Indiana. I have had an extensive and successful career in both B to B and B to C telemarketing/telesales and would like to use my experience in the med sup market.

Though I am experienced in phone work I realize I do not know it all- in fact far from it. I have ID'd two potential upstream partners- Sell Medicare by Phone and Precision Senior Marketing. Since I am somewhat new to the med sup world (had an unsuccessful stint with physicians mutual a few years back). I would like to work with a group able to provide some level of support with my venture (in addition to providing competitive med sup policy vendors). What I like about Sell Medicare by Phone is they seem to have a successful track record from what I can tell. Only trouble is the upfront and monthly fees. To my knowledge PSM does not charge fees, but appears to lack in any sort of training.

I am curious if anyone has used any of these two upstream partners and their experiences. Also if there are any others I should be looking at?

Lastly I am looking for advice regarding target market- T65 or replacements? The replacement market as I understand is somewhat underserved and offers better commission than the more competitive T65. Any advice here?

First off, if you expect to get any kind of phone support from "Medicare By Phone" you will be disappointed indeed. The training that they provide is all done online. You can get that type of support through too. It has a live chat feature and phone support if you need it. Disclosure: We are the administrators for and the owners of

Precision is a great place, but you are support.