Medicare Educational Seminar

Funny thing is right after i wrote this post i found someone's advertisement online for a seminar at their local library. Sparked my interest so i called around and I've got my first seminar scheduled now for the end of the month! :D
You should consult with your upline FMO or GA

Perhaps you could shed some light on what your upline or fmo has done for you in this regard?

I don't use an "upline"
I have already contacted both FMOs that i use. They have provided me with little support which is why i'm looking for more info/advice.
A good porno flick and free cookies and milk. :yes:

What time does it start?

You can't motivate people to do anything. You offer a service and if they see it as valuable they come. I offer education.

This is true.

I used the wrong word (motivate). Motivational speakers is a misnomer.

I don't do seminars. Thought about it but never got around to it.

Tried pad ads many years ago. Annuities. In libraries. Complete dud.

I know how to attract seniors on the web. Informational pieces. Little or no cost to me.

I don't spend money unless I have to.