More Leads...

Hey guys

Ive been hard at it about 3 weeks now. Things are going pretty well... I am the number one agent since ive been there (June)... and im working PT. I still have 40-50 hout a week job. I think I owe alot of the early success to advice from this forum, so thanks for that.

at first i was just selling anything and everything we had. I have decided that Health and LTC are the easiest for me to sell. So im focusing on those two areas for leads.

Mt company sends me leads off and on, and most of them stink. At first i was more of a "closer" but then reverted back to my legal training.. and just said the hell with it. I basically tell people to call me when theyre ready, and stop wasting my time.

I hired Insurance Marketing Solutions based on recommendations from this forum and those leads have been pretty good, and fairly cheap. Though I only get about 1.5 leads day from her.

So, my question for you what are some ways to drum up more qualified prospects? I dont have alot of time, i considered doing a LTC seminar and providing free Wills (im also a lawyer, and a will takes me about 5 minutes in most cases)... flyers, HELP ME BRAINSTORM. I thought about just upping the telemarketing hours to get more leads which i will probably do soon, but i trying to find multiple streams of prospects.

tell me what to do.
also keep in mind that im a captive agent and am very limited on my health products (HMS and HIP) though i have gotten pretty good at selling the the HMS to those with high deductible MM.
I thought you were going to be dealing with seniors??

i am. im stll focusing on LTC. but im still refining my approach.

a few things have happened since i started, i got a promotion at my "real" job, and i found out it was pretty easy just to make phone calls and make sales, and my law practice has picked up a little. so, im still trying to figure out what to do, in teh mean time, im just trying to make some money.

i was surprised how easy it is to sell the health policy if i have an interested person. but im not into chasing people around trying to sell them. so i have decided to push the health product too.

I was going to focus on annuities too, but the more i learned about them, i realized how crappy they are, and just couldnt in good concience continue selling them (though i did sell a big one at the beginning).
Have you ever thought about offering LS to your senior clients?;)

is LS = legal services?

yes. i just say something is passing about how i just started doing this and i used to be a lawyer. then half joking voice "you dont need a will too do you?"

i have sold 3 wills @$200 a pop. not big money, but i dont want to get into teh real practice of law right now. a will takes me about 5-15 minutes to draft. there are some eithical issues so i have them sign a waiver that states they know im not acting as a legal advisor and might not have thier best interests in mind when i sell them insurance too. i would LOVE to telemarket legal services, but i'll get disbarred.