Need Advice on a Lead


Have a lead - spoke with wife - on health questions she has alcoholism check marked. So I ask about it. She says - her man drinks too much in her opinion- I ask - has he ever sought treatment or been dx'd with it? "no".

So first, not sure if I asked the right thing - and second - not sure how to put this thru - Alcoholism or not.

Any folks with experience willing to offer some sage advice?
Have a lead - spoke with wife - on health questions she has alcoholism check marked. So I ask about it. She says - her man drinks too much in her opinion- I ask - has he ever sought treatment or been dx'd with it? "no".

So first, not sure if I asked the right thing - and second - not sure how to put this thru - Alcoholism or not.

Any folks with experience willing to offer some sage advice?

Use this and call company with a pre qualification.

Main thing, has he ever had an DUI or DWI and the such.


  • Alcohol-chemical-drug dependancy.pdf
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First of all, you need to talk to the husband. Ask him if he's had any DUI's/DWI's or ever sought treatment. Then ask if he plans on seeking any treatment. If all questions are "no" his wife could think that three beers a day is heavy drinking.

Interesting to note on Aeta apps you have to disclose what kind of drinks your client has and how often they drink.
First of all, you need to talk to the husband. Ask him if he's had any DUI's/DWI's or ever sought treatment. Then ask if he plans on seeking any treatment. If all questions are "no" his wife could think that three beers a day is heavy drinking.

Interesting to note on Aeta apps you have to disclose what kind of drinks your client has and how often they drink.

Funny thing is that for UnitedHealthcare ....3 beers over a week is over drinking.

Folks.....this is Wisconsin.

Nothing but beer and bratwurst.;)

I always get a big kick out of that one!
Just make sure you ask him the question exactly as it appears on the app. I'm sure it doesn't say " Does your wife think you're an alcoholic?". The app almost certainly asks about "treatment for". If he's had a DWI your app probably specifically asks that.
i used to jokingly tell my prospects not to "volunteer" any information thatI would then be compelled to share it with the insurance company. If I don't ask it , don't tell it.
I actually requested a tenative offer on this guy - I was told unless he has DUI, can't hold a job, is in treatment, or rcvd a dx - he should be good to go -

After all that - and I can't get in touch with him again... shame - I really wanted to see the outcome.
Your butt is fully covered if you make this statement:

"If you seek medical treatment for something that's not disclosed on the application most likely a claims review will be performed. They'll match your medical records with the application. If it matches you're fine. If it doesn't match they can deny the claim or rescind your coverage. Now....let's go over your conditions."