Need American General Contract

No you have to go under an Imo. The most AG will pay an agent direct is 85% on term or gul on a contract. Top imo's make 125%. Great underwriting and good products.
No you have to go under an Imo. The most AG will pay an agent direct is 85% on term or gul on a contract. Top imo's make 125%. Great underwriting and good products.

If you are talking about AG/AIG than the Schedule A is Street for Most IMO's and the Street level is 90% on 20-30 year Term.

Anything Higher will require proof of production to the Carrier as they will approve the contract and not the IMO based on production and commitment to AG/AIG.

Many IMO's will work out a passthru if you have a good relationship with your BGA/IMO.

Skipper Aig has a regular producer,Ga,Ga1,Ga2,Imo, and nmo levels if I recall my hierarchy correct. I'm at 85% with Gul and 95% with the 20/30 yr level direct from Aig plus I worked an override direct from the Imo of 20% I'm at 105% on the Gul and 115% of the 30 yr. Actually I'm now finding out many imo's are very open to handing out part of their first yr over rides especially if you're on as earned .Of course the incentive for the large imo-nmo is he'll still make his 1-2% back end over the 2-10 yr period on the lower base contract.Now you must trust the imo will pay you.
Skipper Aig has a regular producer,Ga,Ga1,Ga2,Imo, and nmo levels if I recall my hierarchy correct. I'm at 85% with Gul and 95% with the 20/30 yr level direct from Aig plus I worked an override direct from the Imo of 20% I'm at 105% on the Gul and 115% of the 30 yr. Actually I'm now finding out many imo's are very open to handing out part of their first yr over rides especially if you're on as earned .Of course the incentive for the large imo-nmo is he'll still make his 1-2% back end over the 2-10 yr period on the lower base contract.Now you must trust the imo will pay you.

They are now letters. The schedule that you have is the S. They go S, A, B, C, D etc.
Yes and I found out that the imo can put you on a A first yr and D renewal contract.Just like Trans and Columbian. I bet they have 50 variations of their contracts so the imo can suck your renewals away. Luckily Aig allows multiple agent #'s to re contract.
Yes and I found out that the imo can put you on a A first yr and D renewal contract.Just like Trans and Columbian. I bet they have 50 variations of their contracts so the imo can suck your renewals away. Luckily Aig allows multiple agent #'s to re contract.

That, for most fully underwritten companies. As long as I have been in business I hate to haggle comp levels. I ask Ximo for the best they can do. If it is 10% different on a $700 term deal no biggie. However, if it is a $15,000 deal then 10-20% different then it weighs heavily where I place it. Multiple numbers is one are fully underwritten companies are far superior to the stupid (for the agent) way FE companies do it. IMHO