Needs Analysis/Customer Contact Sheet


Hello - Looking for a good needs analysis/customer contact sheet to use when meeting with first time customers.
Anyone willing to share?
Hello - Looking for a good needs analysis/customer contact sheet to use when meeting with first time customers.
Anyone willing to share?

What specifically are you trying to accomplish? General financial fact finder? Life insurance specific fact finder? What market are you working? What approach did you use to get the appointment? The more information you give, the more specific the advice you will receive.
It would depend on the market you are in and the product/services you are providing. If you are contracted with a decent company they should have samples of these for many markets: ie: business, personal, affluent...etc. Then you can weed out the questions you have little use for and construct one of your own.
I always found it easiest to just ask "what information would be helpful in dealing with this client to help me sell what I sell". If you think about it - you can likely easily come up with your own and borrow a few questions here and there from other sources to help jog your mind and fill in the gaps you may have missed.