Networking to Doctors?


I was wondering if anyone networks with doctors for them to refer their patients to you...
I am just doing my DD on how i can fill a need on the doctors end (income lol).
Do i offer to recommend their practice to my future/current clients?
I ask because my brother has gotten referred many times by a doctor in sacramento, and these often are the best leads you can get, personally from ones doctor who the prospect trusts immensely. My brother seemed to have stumbled upon this 'connect' by chance so he's no help.
Maybe an experience broker/agent can touch on this!?
Thanks Guys!
Perhaps if this doctor was a plastic surgeon I'd be interested in his patience based soley off the idea that his average client has the means to pay for surgery, but outside of that I don't see why targeting his or her patients would be a good idea, way too much variability.
Perhaps if this doctor was a plastic surgeon I'd be interested in his patience based soley off the idea that his average client has the means to pay for surgery, but outside of that I don't see why targeting his or her patients would be a good idea, way too much variability.

Well i know you are wrong because i experienced it first hand. I feel that a doctor would be a great person to get a referral from...
Well i know you are wrong because i experienced it first hand. I feel that a doctor would be a great person to get a referral from...

And as they say: "personal perception is personal reality."

Good luck with it.
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Well i know you are wrong because i experienced it first hand. I feel that a doctor would be a great person to get a referral from...

Man, do you already have an M.D. who's willing to refer his/her patients to buy insurance from you now? If not, how T F are you going find a doctor who's going to do that for you? Are you going to offer a $20 gas card for every patient he/she refers? Do you have many M.D.s as clients? Have you even done much prospecting for M.D.s?

I know a better referral source - go offer some extra "income" to HR directors at large companies and have them send all their retirees to you for rollovers. If you know that he's wrong why T F aren't you doing it?? (Be kind to the newbies ... yea right)
LV, you seem to have all the answers. Why did you bother to post? A good therapist can help you deal with your feelings of inadequacy.
Let me see if I follow.

You came on here looking for feedback on finding docs. The first response was honest and accurate, so you put down the poster and tell him he doesn't know what he is talking about.

Then you proceed to brag about your fictitious brother and your lame-ass corporation and still expect someone to engage you in serious conversation.

Have fun.
You are certain to get a lot of help now.
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Having read some of your posts in earlier threads I wonder how much you have really learned about the real world in your 21 years on this earth.

Actually, I don't have to wonder. It is very obvious.
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