New Homeowners Phone Numbers


New Member
I have been looking into calling new homeowners for Mortgage Protection Life Insurance, and I have compiled lists that have their names, address etc. using public records from the county. I have had problems finding phone numbers for the new homeowners, I have tried using Whitepages, Zabasearch, etc. and most of these have not come back with any results. Anyone have any ideas or things that have tried that work? I appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks in advance.
Let me tell you what the problem is.

A lot of people no longer have a home phone like myself. Only the older people still have a homephone. When you are talking about new homeowners you are talking about a younger crowd. Most of them just use a cell phone.

There will come a point within the next 10 years that hardly no one will have a home phone. It will be like finding a payphone.
What Mark said and even if they are going to have a home phone (land line) wouldn't it take months for it to show up in any directory. Gotta door knock or direct mail.
Thanks for the help on that, I unfortunately had a feeling that was the case. Any advice for mailers, how effective do they tend to be and should I include their mortgage information in the letter, or just something generic? Thanks again for all your help I really appreciate the advice from the more experienced agents here.
Have you tried looking up their phone numbers using their previous addresses?

:skeptical:I got my start in insurance back in 1985 calling new home owners. A lot has changed since then!
Do your own mailings. Do the letter in word with fields for the name, address etc. Have your list of new homeowners on an excel spreadsheet. You can then do a mail merge putting the info from the excel spreadsheet onto the word form letter. Buy some window envelopes and some postage paid return envelopes and you are in business. I do it. You can get a BRM (postage paid return permit) from Assurity for free. They will let you use their number. You can beat the mailing houses there but sometimes you beat the new homeowners. ha