Newbie Studying to PA Life Test


New Member
i used to sell final expense insurance through a fraternal company. i was issued a restricted fraternal license. i was capped in selling 200k in final expense insurance. after prospecting, i realized underwriting was somewhat strict and my leads would qualify. i did not require a state issued license. i terminated my entrepreneurial spirit about 5 years ago.

i saw an ad on Craigslist (i know i know) for Lincoln Heritage. I spoke to a regional manager and i decided to move forward. i signed up for a pre licensing course (testeachers?!). i have 90 days to study material and when i feel comfortable i can sign up to take the state test for Pennsylvania. im guessing thats the general idea, correct? some questions...

as of now, i have no contract with any company. i just am studying and if i take the test and pass and i am state licensed, i can work for whomever i want, correct? all i am interested in is life, just life insurance. i dont have time to focus on other types of insurance, why, because i own a funeral home. life insurance and funerals are connected for obvious reasons. leads come to me in the form of general pre planning questions. i feel its an opportunity to take advantage of. thoughts?
i used to sell final expense insurance through a fraternal company. i was issued a restricted fraternal license. i was capped in selling 200k in final expense insurance. after prospecting, i realized underwriting was somewhat strict and my leads would qualify. i did not require a state issued license. i terminated my entrepreneurial spirit about 5 years ago. i saw an ad on Craigslist (i know i know) for Lincoln Heritage. I spoke to a regional manager and i decided to move forward. i signed up for a pre licensing course (testeachers?!). i have 90 days to study material and when i feel comfortable i can sign up to take the state test for Pennsylvania. im guessing thats the general idea, correct? some questions... as of now, i have no contract with any company. i just am studying and if i take the test and pass and i am state licensed, i can work for whomever i want, correct? all i am interested in is life, just life insurance. i dont have time to focus on other types of insurance, why, because i own a funeral home. life insurance and funerals are connected for obvious reasons. leads come to me in the form of general pre planning questions. i feel its an opportunity to take advantage of. thoughts?

I'm also a funeral director and sell PreNeed insurance and final expense for several funeral homes.

Yes it's a no brainer. But you will sell a lot more policies by having very competitively priced companies with good underwriting rather then going with something priced way higher like Lincoln Heritage.

Lincoln heritage's marketing strategy is to try to make the consumers think that the funeral home is the bad guy who's going to try to rip them off. So what they're going to do to supposedly protect the consumer and sell them a policy that has way less face amount for the amount of premium they pay but has a toll-free number they can call when there is a death and someone will shop the funeral home prices for them and try to beat the funeral home down on their price.
A much better strategy for you would be to find those people who recently bought Lincoln heritage policies or considering buying one and just give them about 30% more death benefit for the amount of premium they're paying. And you will not only win their funeral business but you will also give that family much more coverage at no extra cost. A true win win for everyone.

You can see my website at — Your inside track to selling more, making more and working smarter to see what we offer. We are a brokerage that works with a lot of Final Expense agents as well as funeral homes for their final expense programs.
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