NJ to Make Discount Drug Cards Available


5000 Post Club
I saw a report the other day that NJ is going to have a free discount drug card available starting in July. It has no income requirements and will be available by download. Apparently, quite a few states are in this program, but not PA. However,there is a nationwide card that is available at Free drug card - download prescription drug card. I used it a few months ago to get an Rx. Although it stated that I could get it filled at my local pharmacy, they rejected it. I was able to get filled at a Walgreen's with a deep discount. The article reported that a Kansas woman who was getting a cancer drug costing her $200 a month was able to get it for $23 with the card. savings are supposed to be as high as 75% and one-third off on average. Also, there is no registration or monthly fee required. It covers 95% of prescription drugs, with the exceptions being new drugs.
Free Rx cards are everywhere. They usually come with kickbacks per script filled . . . anywhere from $0.10 to $0.50.

As a general rule, free cards are not accepted everywhere and the discounts are not as great as the cards that charge a fee.

Nor are the discounts as great as what is availble from carriers via your major med plan.
This discourages people from buying plans with responsible coverages, although NJ market is beyond over legislated and screwed up.

I would love to know the break down of who has their hands in the cookie jar on this great "free" program.
I didnt see any major discounts on the drugs I looked up.

I expected better Arnie.

Well, I guess it depends on the particular drug. The one I purchased was an ointment prescribed by a dermatologist for a scab that was not healing properly. I don't remember the exact numbers, but the pharmacy I usually use wanted to charge about 50% more than the Walgreen's did with the card. I can't vouch for the card----I used only that one time.
Interesting first post, reviving a 10 yr old thread.

Is this price real?
Spiriva Handihaler 18mcg 30 Capsule Inhaler $44.70

Always suspicious of claims by discount cards. GoodRx is competitive and has full disclosure pricing. Hard to believe the inhaler price difference.
Interesting first post, reviving a 10 yr old thread.

Is this price real?
Spiriva Handihaler 18mcg 30 Capsule Inhaler $44.70

Always suspicious of claims by discount cards. GoodRx is competitive and has full disclosure pricing. Hard to believe the inhaler price difference.
I don't see how that price can be real. I used to take Spiriva, and it was over $300 a month. I changed to a different one at the same time I got a 3 month supply of Spiriva. $1,000 worth of medicine sitting in the box, unopened and going to waste for a couple of years.

Other than GoodRX, I haven't seen a discount card worth a damn. I've checked several out and have actually seen a couple of cases where it cost MORE to use the discount card. :laugh:
couple of cases where it cost MORE to use the discount card.

I have seen the same thing. Gave one of those free cards to a friend years ago when he was out of work. First time he used it at Costco they told him his meds would be about a third of what they would have to charge if he used that card.

I wonder if that $44 price is PER CAPSULE.

Not sure what Ben's game is. Wonder if he will return to the scene of the crime?

GoodRx is the real deal