No more Cold Calling!

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I really need to finish my book so I don't have to sell insurance any longer
I have his book so let me give you a little review.

He contends that with the difficulty of actually speaking with people due to the DNC lists and the fact that businesses are being telemarketed to death, there is a better way.

The bottom line is email marketing and flyers. The flyers are very similar to what John P is doing right now.

He suggests we go B2B with flyers but (and he contends this is VERY important) make certain that bottom of the flyer has a form with a fax number. He asserts that more people with fill in their information and fax it back than will ever go to a website or call.

I haven't yet integrated this idea with flyers but my next "go round" will definitely have this. I just need to change the flyer I plagiarized from John to add the fax back form.

List virtually every "how to" book, his is filled with a lot of patting himself on the back but unlike the others, I think his ideas have real merit.

Interesting, a fax reply on a flyer? That is not all that bad, thanks for the heads up. Now if only John Pet would add a Replier to his fax he then could charge $97 for it! I'll have to try that, maybe I should send John P. half and the other guy half of the $97?
That fax flyer is not a bad idea, he does mention he goes further more ideas on his $97 deal including his CD's. Plus I do have to give it to the guy, he does give a 30 day window before he charges for the program.
Don't waste your money. In a 2 CD set, the first 1 and 1/3 CD's go over ad nauseum why cold calling is so ineffective, uncomfortable, pathetic, bad, a nuisance to the prospect, and did I mention no good? etc., etc.

Well, duh....if I though cold calling was a day at the circus, I wouldn't have purchased your program. It's going back. Not very much substance for the price.
I never read the cold calling book but I just browsed the website and noticed one of the free bonuses which is really a unique and excellent book.

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles

I have it in a free ebook format if anyone would like it.
When I send my mailers to B2B I include the fax form along with it.
It does not increase leads.
I never read the cold calling book but I just browsed the website and noticed one of the free bonuses which is really a unique and excellent book.

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles

I have it in a free ebook format if anyone would like it.

Old Wally Wattles. That's where all of this Law of Attraction stuff originated. Some new-agers from Australia and elsewhere dusted off his 19th century book or maybe early 20th and repackaged his beliefs and approaches.

He was a weird duck but had a message.

i've not read the book, but there is certainly a case to be made for using direct mail instead of calling.

Regarding the 'fax' on the flyer, it totally depends on who you are marketing to.

If you send flyers to homeowners typically fax won't increase response. With business owners i've seen this SUBSTANTIALLY increase response. But of course, the real answer is to simply test 1000 with and 1000 without.

And See what happens!