No Social Security Number

What if they don't have any of these? The woman I was referring to was married to someone with all 3. He wanted to insure her, but he had married her in Mexico, she was a stay at home Mom, and didn't drive. They didn't need any of those documents for her, so they had never pursued them.

I understand I'm probably getting nit picky here. Most people will be able to produce something with a number on it.

Don't most states require that someone have at least one form of Government ID, even if it's just a G'ment issued ID?
Don't most states require that someone have at least one form of Government ID, even if it's just a G'ment issued ID?
Of course they do. But there are thousands here the government doesn't know about. They live practically off the grid and do everything in cash. That's why it's no big deal to me, really. If you encounter people like that, i. e. completely undocumented, they're not going to buy insurance anyway, because then somebody knows they're here. But occasionally I encounter a legal immigrant who wants to cover an undocumented spouse.