One Exchange Question


5000 Post Club
I know with GE retiree's the letter they get states they only need to purchase 1 PDP or Supp to get reimbursement.

However I just signed someone for supplement that has called me back and says his letter does not uses the And/or language and he is being told he need to cancel his supp with me and get through one exchange.

He is retired from Eli Lilly, He said he will fax me some literature he received from them and would like to keep supp with me as it is cheaper but I need to show him he will still get reimbursement.

Any one with experience with this outside of GE?
Thanks for the info, I just had him cancel with me so he can go through exchange.
Anyone know the current status of GE Retirees and VIA benefits / One Exchange / Towers Watson?

From the ^ 2015 posts, it looks like they were requiring them to purchase everything through them - but thought I'd ask if anyone has been able to get the Supplement sale through themselves, leaving the PDP for VIA.