Online life sales

Site looks good and clean. I like the quoter up front and easy to see. I'd make your contact number bigger, perhaps a picture of yourself to personalize the site. Some testamonials would be good and some confirmation the site is trusted, maybe a BBB registration?

Why not give the quoter the ability to quote instead of force them to hear from you for that info? At least the term portion? There are so many quoters out there and many folks will go to those where they can at least get a sense of term pricing. You could even create a form to let them go a little further in "purchase" process by selecting the carrier. These leads, app requests, are by far the best and represent folks READY to move forward.

Also some link to allow the consumer to buy online. It has always amazed me that folks will quote and see "best" pricing and not buy, but then go to the link to "buy your insurance now!" and purchase right there. They'll spend a multiple of the cheaper coverage for the ease of buying without the agent. It's crazy and I'd sure not buy that way, but the lesson is give folks as many ways to transact the purchase as you can.

Some form of auto respond email to those completing the form would be good to. Maybe you have that, I set the email as [email protected].

Hope this helps........
Some quick suggestions:

Change "no less than three" to "multiple" or "at least three"

Change "situation, can you help me?" to "situation. Can you help me?"

Change "in California, can" to "in California. Can"

I didn't check the links as this is enough. Overall, the site looks good.
I like the site and actually like the colors. It looks very professional and clean. I would only change one word:

In "about us" CA Life Insurance Quote - Term Life - Universal Life - Whole Life - Return of Premium.

Our goal as an independent insurance broker is to provide you and your family with adequate coverage at the lowest possible cost.

I don't know about the word adequate. I think there's a better adjective out there you could use.
A website should be reviewed in context of how it will be used in your marketing plan. For instance, if you want to get people to the site based on a payperclick program, I don't think I've ever filled out a form where it was the only page of the website. I know there isn't a lot you can say about life insurance that will get people to jump up and down, but being hit up front to fill out a sales lead is a direct turn off for me, and I assume a lot of others.

You want me to do business with you, take some time and tell me who you are, why I should trust you with my business, what sets you apart from the other thousand sites I could have selected, etc.

If this is a final stop of a letter campaign so someone can let you know they are interested in your product, this would be good since it allows someone an alternative to calling you on the phone.

Also, the site is missing the 'call to action'. Life insurance is not a compulsory, or impulse type of sale. Its easier (much easier) for someone to procrastinate than to even fill out the form. You need to give them a reason, such as 'fill out this form and receive your free report - A consumers guide to buying life insurance', or something like that. Of course, if you do that, take off the life specific questions, you can get that later.

Also, I would not make phone number mandatory. While this sounds like a good idea, forcing it as an option causes people to provide bogus numbers, rather than just leaving it blank. If they are serious buyers, they will provide it, if not, you add them to your email drip campaign. No harm.

I recently read a study published by a local marketing group that said consumers respond better to a sans serif font over something like this.

Why not give the quoter the ability to quote instead of force them to hear from you for that info? At least the term portion? There are so many quoters out there and many folks will go to those where they can at least get a sense of term pricing. You could even create a form to let them go a little further in "purchase" process by selecting the carrier. These leads, app requests, are by far the best and represent folks READY to move forward.

Also some link to allow the consumer to buy online. It has always amazed me that folks will quote and see "best" pricing and not buy, but then go to the link to "buy your insurance now!" and purchase right there. They'll spend a multiple of the cheaper coverage for the ease of buying without the agent. It's crazy and I'd sure not buy that way, but the lesson is give folks as many ways to transact the purchase as you can.

How can you have online apps for life insurance? I've tried and tried to look around but only saw sasid which you have to contract through them and will not give me street level commissions. Any recommendations will be appreciated.
Yeah, SASid has a cool system. I was just suggesting that if they did get a quote that the next page offer something next to each carrier cost like "apply now" and then collect additional info to give the "feel" the prospect has chosen the carrier and begun the process, basically just another form.

The conversion of these leads is near double of a typical quote request where they just click a button to indicate interest. Of course you produce fewer of these than plain quote requests, but at least you can distinquish those leads worthy of your time first.